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席金忠,张砚,苏艾婧,等. 2020~2022年国家食品安全监督抽检不合格情况分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(12):234−240. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080078.
引用本文: 席金忠,张砚,苏艾婧,等. 2020~2022年国家食品安全监督抽检不合格情况分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(12):234−240. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080078.
XI Jinzhong, ZHANG Yan, SU Aijing, et al. Analysis on Unqualified Results of Sampling Inspection of National Food Safety Supervision in 2020~2022[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(12): 234−240. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080078.
Citation: XI Jinzhong, ZHANG Yan, SU Aijing, et al. Analysis on Unqualified Results of Sampling Inspection of National Food Safety Supervision in 2020~2022[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(12): 234−240. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023080078.


Analysis on Unqualified Results of Sampling Inspection of National Food Safety Supervision in 2020~2022

  • 摘要: 目的:对比分析2020~2022年国家食品安全监督抽检不合格情况。方法:汇总2020~2022年国家食品安全监督抽检不合格样品信息,从抽样数量、抽样种类占比、食品类别、不合格项目及其涉及的指标和产品进行分析。结果:全国年抽样量不断增大,食用农产品和餐饮食品的抽样占比之和达到52.31%。抽检的34类食品中,3类食品不合格率呈上升趋势,其中食用农产品类的抽检不合格率由2.23%(2020年)上升至3.63%(2022年);餐饮食品类的抽检不合格率由5.99%(2020年)上升至8.07%(2022年)。在不合格项目中,农兽药残留超标的占比最高,且呈现逐年增长的趋势(由35.31%增大至41.16%);微生物污染的占比次之,但其占比逐渐降低。结论:近三年来,食品安全抽检力度不断增大。整体上看,各类食品的不合格率保持稳定或呈现下降趋势,但是食用农产品和餐饮食品的不合格率逐年增大。农兽药残留超标依然是目前亟待解决的问题。残留超标的农药主要集中在豇豆和韭菜表面的灭蝇胺和腐霉利上;兽药方面,恩诺沙星在各产品中均有滥用。微生物污染涉及产品主要集中在谷物糕点和方便食品类食品中,需要后续加强监管。


    Abstract: Objective: To obtain a comparative analysis of the unqualified situation in the national food safety supervision sampling from 2020 to 2022. Methods: The information of unqualified samples in the national food safety supervision sampling from 2020 to 2022 was summarized and analyzed, including the sampling quantity, proportion of sampling types, food category, unqualified items and their related indicators and products. Results: The total quantity of annual food safety supervision sampling continuously increased from 2020 to 2022. Among which, edible agricultural products and restaurant food reached over half of the overall proportion (52.31%). A total of 34 different types of food were sampled and analyzed. Results showed that the unqualified rates of 3 types of food increased annually. Especially, the unqualified rate of edible agricultural products gradually increased from 2.23% (2020) to 3.63% (2022), while the unqualified rate of restaurant food increased from 5.99% (2020) to 8.07% (2022). Among all the unqualified items, excessive pesticide and veterinary drug residues accounted for the highest proportion, and showed an increasing trend from 35.31% to 41.16% annually. The second highest proportion was attributed to microbial pollution, whose proportion decreased yearly. Conclusion: Over the past three years, the intensity of food safety sampling has been continuously increasing. Overall, the unqualified rate of various types of food remained constant or showed downward trends. However, there was a consistent increase in the unqualified rate of edible agricultural products and restaurant food. Excessive agricultural and veterinary drugs residues were still an urgent problem to be solved. Excessive pesticide residues were mainly found on the surface of cowpeas and leeks, such as cyromazine and procymidone. Additionally, veterinary drugs, particularly enrofloxacin were abused in various products. Microbial pollution was mainly found in grain, pastry and convenience food products, indicating the need for further supervision.


