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  • 食品科学与工程领域高质量科技期刊分级目录第一方阵T1
谢琦蓝,张玉玺,邹智芸,等. 淀粉种类及预处理温度对藏羊肉糜凝胶品质特性的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(22):46−54. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023120107.
引用本文: 谢琦蓝,张玉玺,邹智芸,等. 淀粉种类及预处理温度对藏羊肉糜凝胶品质特性的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(22):46−54. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023120107.
XIE Qilan, ZHANG Yuxi, ZOU Zhiyun, et al. Effects of Different Types of Starch and Pretreatment Temperature on the Gel Properties of Grounded Tibetan Mutton[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(22): 46−54. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023120107.
Citation: XIE Qilan, ZHANG Yuxi, ZOU Zhiyun, et al. Effects of Different Types of Starch and Pretreatment Temperature on the Gel Properties of Grounded Tibetan Mutton[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(22): 46−54. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023120107.


Effects of Different Types of Starch and Pretreatment Temperature on the Gel Properties of Grounded Tibetan Mutton

  • 摘要: 为研究不同淀粉种类及其预处理温度对藏羊肉糜凝胶品质特性的影响。本试验以藏羊肉糜凝胶为研究对象,分别将绿豆(LD)、玉米(YD)、马铃薯预糊化淀粉(MD)加入藏羊肉糜中制作成淀粉藏羊肉糜凝胶,以淀粉种类和预处理温度为变量,测定不同处理条件下藏羊肉糜凝胶的出品率、品质特性和感官特性等变化。结果表明:三种淀粉处理的藏羊肉糜凝胶,在80 ℃时出品率均为最小值(P<0.05);在70 ℃时pH最低(P<0.05),色度变化也最明显,说明70 ℃是影响藏羊肉糜凝胶风味及品质、改善肉糜凝胶色泽的最佳预处理温度条件。同时,YD组透光率最低,老化程度和蒸煮损失最大;MD组肉糜凝胶的保水性和乳化稳定性最好;LD组的质构特性最好,硬度、黏性、咀嚼性数值最大(P<0.05),且肉糜凝胶在60 ℃处理时产品的储能模量最大,总体可接受度最好。因此,不同种类淀粉及其预处理温度均对改善藏羊肉糜凝胶食用品质的潜在应用价值上有着不同方面的影响作用。


    Abstract: To investigate the effects of different starch types and their pretreatment temperature on the quality characteristics of Tibetan minced mutton gel. In this experiment, mung bean (LD), corn (YD) and potato pregelatinized starch (MD) were added to Tibetan minced lamb to make starch Tibetan minced mutton gel, and starch type and pretreatment temperature were used as variables to determine the yield, quality and organoleptic characteristics of Tibetan minced mutton gel under different treatment conditions. Results showed that the yield of Tibetan minced mutton gel treated with three kinds of starch was the lowest at 80 ℃ (P<0.05). The pH was the lowest at 70 ℃ (P<0.05), and the change of chromaticity was also the most obvious, which indicated that 70 ℃ was the optimal pretreatment temperature condition for influencing the flavor and quality of Tibetan minced mutton gel, and improving the color of minced meat gelatin. Meanwhile, the YD group had the lowest transmittance and the greatest aging and cooking loss. The MD group had the best water retention and emulsification stability of the minced meat gel. The LD group had the best textural properties, with the greatest values of hardness, viscosity, and chewiness (P<0.05), and the minced meat gel had the greatest storage modulus of the product when treated at 60 ℃, which was the best overall acceptability. Therefore, different types of starch and their pretreatment temperatures have different aspects on the potential application value of improving the edible quality of Tibetan minced mutton gel.


