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朱翠玲,季圣阳,刘彦君,等. 不同用途稻米品质指标体系构建与特征性指标筛选[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(4):1−12. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024020021.
引用本文: 朱翠玲,季圣阳,刘彦君,等. 不同用途稻米品质指标体系构建与特征性指标筛选[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(4):1−12. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024020021.
ZHU CuiLing, JI ShengYang, LIU YanJun, et al. Construction of Quality Index System and Screening of Characteristic Index of Rice for Different Uses[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(4): 1−12. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024020021.
Citation: ZHU CuiLing, JI ShengYang, LIU YanJun, et al. Construction of Quality Index System and Screening of Characteristic Index of Rice for Different Uses[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(4): 1−12. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024020021.


Construction of Quality Index System and Screening of Characteristic Index of Rice for Different Uses

  • 摘要: 以稻米为研究对象,梳理品质评价指标、评价方法及依据,构建基于不同用途的稻米品质指标体系,同时分析不同优势产区和主栽品种稻米品质差异,筛选基于不同用途稻米的特征性品质指标,以推动稻米的品质评价走向规范。通过Delphi评价法和G1法从基本指标中筛选主要品质指标,构建品质指标体系。测定262个稻米样品的主要品质指标成分差异。采用相关性分析、主成分分析、多元线性回归分析等方法筛选出不同用途稻米品质的特征性指标。结果表明:适用于食用商品稻米的优势产区为东北水稻、长江流域水稻,优质品种为沈农511、吉粳816和南粳46;其特征性指标为食味值、蛋白质和气味;米粉加工用稻米的优势产区为东南沿海水稻(广东、广西、浙江)及长江流域水稻(湖南),优质品种为中早39、湘早籼45号、珍桂和春两优61,其特征性指标为峰值粘度、最终粘度、蛋白质含量及直链淀粉含量;发酵制品用稻米的优势产区为东南沿海水稻(浙江)及长江流域水稻(江西、湖南),优质品种为中早39、中早33、湘早籼45号;其特征性指标为直链淀粉含量、糖化性能和还原糖含量。本文的研究结果为不同用途稻米的品质评价提供了理论基础和科学依据。


    Abstract: Take rice as the object of study, this study systematizes quality evaluation indicators, assessment methods, and their foundations, constructing a rice quality indicator system tailored to different uses. It explores the quality variances among rice from different premier production regions and primary cultivars, identifying distinctive quality indicators for rice suited to specific uses, with the goal of standardizing the quality assessment of rice. The Delphi and G1 methods are applied to distill key quality indicators from a broader set, culminating in the development of a structured quality indicator system. The study assesses the differences in essential quality indicator components across 262 rice samples. Techniques such as correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis are utilized to pinpoint characteristic quality indicators tailored to the intended use of the rice. The results show that the dominant producing areas of rice foredible commercial rice are the rice dominant areas in Northeast China (LiaoNing, Jiling)and the rice dominant areas in the Yangtze River Basin (Jiangsu), high quality varietiesare, Shennong511, Jijing816, Nangeng46, and the characteristicquality indicators are food taste value, protein, smell. The dominant producing areas of rice products are the southeast coastal areas (Guangdong, Guangxi, Zhejiang) and the Yangtze River Basin (Hunan), high-quality varieties are Zhongzao 39, Zhongzao 33, and Xiangzao Xian 45,and the characteristic quality indexes are the Peak viscosity, final viscosity, protein content and amylose content. The dominant producing area of rice for fermentation products is the rice advantage in the YangtzeRiver Basin (Jiangxi, Hunan) and the southeast coastal areas (Zhejiang), high-quality varieties are Zhongzao 39, Zhongzao 33, and Xiangzao Xian 45 , and the characteristic quality indexes are the Amylose content, saccharification property and reducing sugar content. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis and scientific basis for the quality evaluation of rice for different purposes.


