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刘海迪,马冬月,汲晨锋,等. 化学法降解岩藻聚糖制备低分子量岩藻聚糖和岩藻寡糖的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(7):1−11. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040031.
引用本文: 刘海迪,马冬月,汲晨锋,等. 化学法降解岩藻聚糖制备低分子量岩藻聚糖和岩藻寡糖的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(7):1−11. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040031.
LIU Haidi, MA Dongyue, JI Chenfeng, et al. Research Progress on Chemical Degradation of Fucoidan for Preparation of Low-molecular Weight Fucoidan and Fucooligosaccharide[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(7): 1−11. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040031.
Citation: LIU Haidi, MA Dongyue, JI Chenfeng, et al. Research Progress on Chemical Degradation of Fucoidan for Preparation of Low-molecular Weight Fucoidan and Fucooligosaccharide[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(7): 1−11. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040031.


Research Progress on Chemical Degradation of Fucoidan for Preparation of Low-molecular Weight Fucoidan and Fucooligosaccharide

  • 摘要: 岩藻聚糖是一种主要来源于褐藻和海洋软体动物的硫酸酯化多糖。岩藻聚糖的结构复杂并因其广泛的药理活性备受关注,但其分子量较大难被吸收。相比较而言,低分子量的岩藻聚糖和寡糖更易于被吸收且具有同等或更优的生物活性。因此,岩藻聚糖的降解成为新的研究热点。目前,降解岩藻聚糖的方法主要有化学降解法、物理降解法和生物降解法。化学降解法具有操作工艺简单,成本较低,易于工业化推广应用等独特的优势。当前,化学降解方法主要包括酸降解法和自由基降解法。酸降解法使用的试剂主要有盐酸、硫酸和三氟乙酸,而自由基降解法则主要利用过氧化氢产生的自由基对岩藻聚糖进行降解。本文主要针对化学降解岩藻聚糖的机制和条件进行综述,为低分子量岩藻聚糖和寡糖的制备提供理论依据。


    Abstract: Fucoidans are sulphated polysaccharides that are primarily derived from brown algae and marine invertebrates. Fucoidans generally have complex structural characteristics, which contribute to their various pharmacological activities including anti-tumor, anti-atherosclerotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-coagulant and lipid-lowering effects. However, fucoidans are difficult to be absorbed due to their large molecular weight. Comparatively, low-molecular weight fucoidans and fucoidan-derived oligosaccharides are easier to be absorbed, and these molecules are demonstrated to have equal or even better bioactivities compared with the original fucoidans. Therefore, degradation of fucoidan has become a research hotspot in recent years. Currently, chemical degradation, physical degradation, and biodegradation have been used for degradation of fucoidans. However, biodegradation primarily relies on special enzymes that are hard to be prepared and commercialized at present. It is worth noting that chemical degradation is characterized by a simple preparation process, low cost, and easy for transformation and application. During the past decades, significant progress has been made in this field. This article reviews the advances in chemical degradation of fucoidans by focusing on the degradation conditions and mechanisms of actions. This article provides information valuable for chemists that are interested in preparation of fucoidan-derived oligosaccharides and low-molecular weight fucoidans, for pharmacologists that are interested in investigating the bioactivities of fucoidans with different molecular weight, and for manufacturers that are interested in applying low-molecular weight fucoidans and fucooligosaccharides as functional foods and/or drug additives.


