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张璐,董同力嘎,星全芳,等. 不同温度下低压静电场辅助冷冻对 沙棘果品质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(6):1−8. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040219.
引用本文: 张璐,董同力嘎,星全芳,等. 不同温度下低压静电场辅助冷冻对 沙棘果品质的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(6):1−8. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040219.
ZHANG Lu, DONG Tongliga, XING Quanfang, et al. Effect of Low Voltage Electrostatic Field-assisted Freezing on Quality of Seabuckthorn Fruit[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(6): 1−8. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040219.
Citation: ZHANG Lu, DONG Tongliga, XING Quanfang, et al. Effect of Low Voltage Electrostatic Field-assisted Freezing on Quality of Seabuckthorn Fruit[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(6): 1−8. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040219.

不同温度下低压静电场辅助冷冻对 沙棘果品质的影响

Effect of Low Voltage Electrostatic Field-assisted Freezing on Quality of Seabuckthorn Fruit

  • 摘要: 针对普通冻结方式会使沙棘果解冻后品质变差,营养物质流失等问题。将低压静电场(LVEF)辅助冷冻技术应用于沙棘果冷冻加工中,研究其辅助冷冻对沙棘果冻结品质的影响,以冻结曲线、水分损失率、冰晶形态、黄酮含量、多酚含量、沙棘果组织微观结构等为指标,探究在不同温度下(−20、−40、−80 ℃)LVEF辅助冷冻和普通冷冻沙棘果品质的变化规律。结果表明,低压静电场辅助冷冻提高了沙棘果的冻结速率,改变了冰晶形态及分布,减轻了果实组织微观结构的机械损伤,减少了解冻后的汁液流失。在−20、−40、−80 ℃温度下普通冷冻的沙棘果在解冻后,黄酮含量分别为2029、2212、2324 mg/100 g,LVEF辅助冷冻的沙棘果解冻后,黄酮含量分别为2156、2284、2373 mg/100 g。静电场辅助冷冻的黄酮含量明显要高于普通冷冻(P<0.05)。LVEF辅助冷冻可以更大程度的保留沙棘果中的营养成分,有效改善果实的冻藏品质。


    Abstract: In order to address the deterioration of quality of sea buckthorn berries after the common freezing-thawing, Low-voltage electrostatic field (LVEF)-assisted freezing technology was used for sea buckthorn berries freezing. The freezing curves, water loss rate, ice crystal morphology, flavonoid content, polyphenol content, and microstructure of sea buckthorn berries were recorded to evaluated the quality changes of sea buckthorn berries treated by the LVEF-assisted freezing and the ordinary freezing at different temperatures (−20, −40, −80 ℃). The results showed that LVEF-assisted freezing improved the freezing rate of sea buckthorn berries, changed the morphology and distribution of ice crystals, alleviated the mechanical damage to the microstructure of the fruit tissues, and reduced the loss of juice after thawing. The flavonoid contents of sea buckthorn berries frozen at −20 ℃, −40 ℃ and −80 ℃ were 2029, 2212 and 2324 mg/100 g after thawing, and those of sea buckthorn berries frozen with LVEF-assisted freezing were 2156, 2284 and 2373 mg/100 g after thawing. The flavonoid content of electrostatic field-assisted freezing was significantly higher than that of ordinary freezing (P<0.01). LVEF-assisted freezing can retain the nutrients in sea buckthorn berries to a greater extent, and effectively improve the frozen quality of the berries.


