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王源渊,张正雨,祁立波,等. 基于GC-IMS结合多元统计分析方法分析迷迭香提取物对鲐鱼脱腥效果的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(7):1−11. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040351.
引用本文: 王源渊,张正雨,祁立波,等. 基于GC-IMS结合多元统计分析方法分析迷迭香提取物对鲐鱼脱腥效果的影响[J]. 食品工业科技,2025,46(7):1−11. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040351.
WANG Yuanyuan, ZHANG Zhengyu, QI Libo, et al. Effect of Rosemary Extract on Deodorization of Mackerel Based on GC-IMS Combined with Multivariate Statistical Analysis Method[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(7): 1−11. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040351.
Citation: WANG Yuanyuan, ZHANG Zhengyu, QI Libo, et al. Effect of Rosemary Extract on Deodorization of Mackerel Based on GC-IMS Combined with Multivariate Statistical Analysis Method[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2025, 46(7): 1−11. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2024040351.


Effect of Rosemary Extract on Deodorization of Mackerel Based on GC-IMS Combined with Multivariate Statistical Analysis Method

  • 摘要: 为探究迷迭香提取物(rosemary extract,RE)脱腥液对鲐鱼脱腥效果的影响,先运用单因素及响应面试验优化得出脱腥工艺,再采用气相色谱-离子迁移谱(gas chromatography ion mobility spectroscopy,GC-IMS)对脱腥前后鲐鱼挥发性成分进行鉴定。结果表明:脱腥前后鲐鱼的挥发性风味具有明显差异。在RE脱腥液浓度为0.16%,料液比为1:3.3(g/mL),浸泡时间为41 min的条件下,TBA值和感官腥味值最低,分别为0.881 mg MDA/kg和1.34分。GC-IMS技术共检出45种挥发性物质,脱腥前醛类相对含量最高,经脱腥处理后,显著降低了30.73%,脱腥后酮类和酯类相对含量显著提高(P<0.05),分别提高了0.87倍和2.11倍。通过正交偏最小二乘判别分析(orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis,OPLS-DA)建立了稳定性好的模型,依据变量投影重要性因子(variable importance in projection,VIP)筛选出脱腥前关键风味物质(VIP>1)有己醛(M)、己醛(D)、丁醛,这些物质共同构成脱腥前鲐鱼的整体风味,脱腥后关键风味物质(VIP>1)有异丁酸乙酯、异戊醇(M)、3-羟基-2-丁酮,表明RE脱腥液有效改善了鲐鱼挥发性风味。


    Abstract: To investigate the effect of rosemary extract deodorizing solution on the deodorization of mackerel, the deodorization process was optimized using one-way and response surface tests, and the volatile components of mackerel before and after deodorization were identified by gas chromatography ion mobility spectroscopy (GC-IMS). The results indicated that the volatile flavors of mackerel were significantly different before and after deodorization. The lowest TBA and sensory fishy flavor values of 0.881 mg MDA/kg and 1.34 score, respectively, were obtained at a concentration of 0.16% in rosemary extract deodorizing solution, a mass-liquid ratio of 1:3.3 (g/mL) and an immersion time of 41 min. A total of 45 volatiles were detected by GC-IMS, with the highest relative content of aldehydes before deodorization. After deodorization treatment, the relative content of aldehydes was significantly reduced by 30.73%, and the relative content of ketones and esters was significantly increased (P<0.05), by 0.87 and 2.11 fold, respectively. An orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) was utilized to develop a model with reliable stability. Based on the variable importance in projection (VIP), the key flavor substances before deodorization (VIP>1) were identified as hexanal (M), hexanal (D), and butanal, all of which constitute the overall flavor of mackerel before deodorization. The key flavor substances (VIP>1) after deodorization were ethyl isobutyrate, isoamyl alcohol (M), and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone, indicating that the rosemary extract deodorizing solution effectively improved the volatile flavor of mackerel.


