This experiment aimed to investigate the differences in metabolites of different varieties from Xinjiang large-fruit sea buckthorn, ultra high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF-MS) coupled with multivariate statistical analysis and pathway enrichment analysis were used to characterize the metabolites of six Xinjiang large-fruit sea buckthorn species ('Mixed Fruit', 'Giant', 'Shenqunhon', 'Wucifeng', 'Xiangyang' and 'Zhuangyuan Yellow') were subjected to non-targeted metabolomics study. The results showed that a total of 334 metabolites were obtained from the metabolomic analysis. Based on log
2FC absolute value≥1 and FDR<0.05 analysis, a total of 112 differential metabolites were screened between 'Mixed Fruit' and 'Giant'. 'Mixed Fruit' and 'Shenqunhon' screened a total of 118 differential metabolites. 'Mixed Fruit' and 'Wucifeng' screened a total of 67 differential metabolites. A total of 160 differential metabolites were screened between 'Mixed Fruit' and 'Xiangyang' and a total of 126 differential metabolites were screened between 'Mixed Fruit' and 'Zhuangyuan Yellow'. The metabolic pathway enrichment analysis showed that the differential metabolites of different large-fruit sea buckthorns were mainly enriched in the pathways of unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis, fatty acid biosynthesis, tryptophan metabolism, and flavonoid and flavonol biosynthesis. Based on the VIP value>1, log
2FC absolute value≥1 and FDR<0.05 screening criteria, a total of five differential metabolites were found, and overall high abundance and lipid-like molecules, phenylpropanes and polyketides were found in sea buckthorn, ranging from 38% to 81% and 15% to 49%, respectively, among which erucic acid amide, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, narcissin, isorhamnetin-3-O-glucoside, rutin, etc. might be the key metabolites to identify different Xinjiang large-fruit sea buckthorn. Non-targeted metabolomics can elucidate the metabolic differences of different varieties of Xinjiang large-fruit sea buckthorn at the overall level, which provides scientific basis for the selection and breeding of Xinjiang large-fruit sea buckthorn varieties and their processing and utilization.